The film was officially announced in February 2023 under the tentative title VJS50, as it is Sethupathi's 50th film as the lead actor. Principal photography commenced the same month, predominantly taking place in Chennai throughout a single schedule. The official title was announced in July, coinciding with the filming being wrapped and Think Studios by joining as co-producers. The film has music composed by B. Ajaneesh Loknath, cinematography handled by Dinesh Purushothaman and editing by Philomin Raj.
Maharaja was released worldwide on 14 June 2024 in theatres to postive reviews from critics, who praised Sethupathi's performance, Philomin's editing and Swaminathan's writing and direction and became a huge success at the box office. It set the highest opening weekend of Tamil cinema in 2024 and emerged as the third highest-grossing Tamil film of 2024.[8][9][10]